Welcome to my website! I use this to learn the basics of webpage design as well as use it to establish a little corner of the internet for my own creations. The bullet points in the Projects section of this website are color-coded to designate progress. Green bullets (●) indicate projects that have been completed or will not likely seen any additional work. Black bullets (●) indicate in-progress projects with information on the page. Blue bullets (●) indicate projects that have been worked on but have not had information added to the project page. Red bullets (●) indicate future projects. My most recent and involved project is a robotic fish that will feature electromagnetically actuated tail and fins for locomotion; optical computer vision, touch sensors, IMU, and pitot-static sensors for obstacle avoidance and navigation; and fully autonomous capabilities, including docking to recharge and quick escape maneuvering. Currently, the body structures and maneuvering controls are being designed and prototyped. A recent snapshot of the assembly can be seen below. Most of the internals are not shown. |
Iteration 10: Isometric view |
Iteration 11: Animation |
I was fortunate enough to have been selected for the Global Academia Jury Prize in the Dassault Systèmes Academy 2018 Project of the Year contest. |